Recently I upgraded my favourite foundation to an HD version. Whatever that means now with our TVs and Cameras even make up needs HD versions. This in lay terms means, its photo ready or has full coverage.
It was my favourite brand the same brand I've been using since I got married (I did my own make up base with that brand for my wedding). However this upgraded version created a lot more problems than I calculated and resulted in a major 'haul' which in non millennial language means shopping spree. Except my version was more window shopping.
Bad make up really does wonders to your self esteem I'd say, suddenly I realised I had more wrinkles and it felt like I had aged in a day. Good make up doesn't allow you to feel your age, but this make up exposed me.
I'm 39 years old and I guess realising I have wrinkles is a perfect way to make peace with growing old.
My solution to most problems are youtube tutorials or pinterest boards and YouTube had plenty of them. Initially was excited and discovered Nykaa. But slowly I realised which I then began podcasting about Make Up Disasters . However I was far from finding the solution.
Many YouTubers weren't being authentic so instead of burning a hole in my pocket, I dug deeper to find answers myself.
It took many hours of research, YouTubing, browsing, window shopping and consulting with mall beauty shops but to come to the conclusion of my final look in this video.
So I found that a few additions to my make up kit and an inclusion of a proper skin care regime could my embrace my ageing more comfortably.
So here's the video, where I look at how getting old is challenging for the skin share my tips and tracks on how to tackle wrinkles and prominent dark spots.
A start to finish make up tutorial for women in the their late 30s, 40s, 50s and even 60s. It's a light fresh approach to make up and I also share my age appropriate additions to my make up collection.
Start to Finish Older Woman Make Up
1. Moisturising (Olay)
2. Primer (Mac)
3. Eye Cream (NEW) (Mac)
4. Corrector (peach) (NEW) (LA girl)
5. Concealer (Mac)
6. Baking/cooking (Flower)
(translucent powder)
7. Foundation (Bharat and Dorris HD Foundation)
8. Mist (NEW) (The Body Shop)
9. Translulent powder (Flower)
10. Eye Shadow (La Girl)
11. Kajal (Hashmi)
12. Blush (LA Girl)
13. Lipliner (NEW)
14. Lipstick (Lakme 9to5)
15. Mascara (Flower)
*bonus with gloss and eye liner
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