sangeetaangelakumar1 minJEEVAN KE ANDHERE SE MUJHE (1973) | Cecil Kumar The lockdown feels like its never ending, and honestly there are days when its dark and gloomy. This song helped me get perspective!
sangeetaangelakumar3 minIntro to the Violin by Sangeeta Angela Kumar I've done a 5 part series on Learning The Violin. The challenges, tips and tricks! Perfect INTRO TO THE VIOLIN
sangeetaangelakumar4 minQuarantined You're trapped at home, thanks to Corona Virus, here's a list for you to keep yourself sane during this period of social distancing
sangeetaangelakumar3 minInspirational BooksBooks can be used to teach, uplift and entertain and here's my list of books that inspired me.