So this quarantine period and social distancing isn't ending. You've seen all you need to see on Netflix, Disney and Prime and you're kids are finally back to being bored!
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Firstly good on your for occupying them for this long! Secondly maybe I can help.
I found some fun activities online and on Amazon which could help in enhancing your kids pastime even more.
1. Educational Apps: These apps are apps that's I use for my daughter and now that there are online classes, I find these apps a great support for her education
Story Bots: (also on Netflix)
Brain Child: Netflix
Math Tango (App on iOS and Play Store)
English Worksheets according to your child's age: on Pinterest & Tpt)
Story Tel: (iOS App Store and Google Play)
Khan Academy (iOS App Store and Google Play)
2. Activity oriented 'Toys' : let's face it our kids are bored of their toys so having things their can build is fun!
3. Board Games (for one): I have one child so its always a challenge to know what games to engage her with when I'm busy in the kitchen or working. These are a few which are fun strategic.
Old School Games to play virtually:
A few weeks ago we played battleship with a friend's son. It was the most fun I had the whole quarantine. Unfortunately we couldn't finish the game but this is a cool idea with you have kids who are friends and are far away with the same game at home.
4. Musical Activities
For smaller children:
A unique instrument like the Accordion
For Bigger Children: Get a Guitar
Karaoke Nights:
During this time we as a family enrolled in Simply Piano, its pricey but so good. I would definitely recommend this app to anyone who is interested in learning the piano.
5. Math Activities
Tangram is a wonderful math activity which is available on Tpt as well as online. But bought wooden pieces which is nice.
6. Drawing Activities: Resources from and really have helped us really have helped us. My daughter's favourite resource is
Apps: Sketches and Paper are two apps that are great if you're running out of paper (cost effective and they save the work in PNG format)
7. Learning a Language Books: Learn French, Learn Korean, Learn German, Learn Russian, Learn Chinese Apps: Babbel
Thanks for reading this, hope these resources help you the way they have helped me.